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Micro Channeling
Micro Channeling (ProCell) at elm boutique spa

ProCell Therapies offers cutting-edge biotechnology to induce a breathtaking transformation to the appearance of the skin that can last a lifetime.

Why Does Skin Age?

You age, visibly and invisibly, every day. Sun damage, internal inflammation, chemicals, and even gravity all work against the youthful vitality of your skin. As we get older, against the youthful vitality of your skin. As we get older, fewer regenerate stem cells survive to repair this constant damage.

Microchanneling (procell) at elm boutique spa

How Does Microchanneling Stimulate Cellular Activity?

A single Procell treatment creates hundreds of thousands of microchannels. In response to each micro-injury, an inflammatory healing process begins which initiates the formation of new collagen. Over time, the repeated healing process improves the surface texture and overall appearance of the skin.

Micro Channeling at Em Boutique Spa
Micro Channeling at Em Boutique Spa
Micro Channeling at Em Boutique Spa
Micro Channeling at Em Boutique Spa
Micro Channeling at Em Boutique Spa
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